Years Of Study On Productivity Condensed And Provided On A Silver Platter (as 8 Golden Rules)
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Years Of Study On Productivity Condensed And Provided On A Silver Platter (as 8 Golden Rules)

And how years of research, reading, and writing on productivity can be summarised using a handful of golden rules.



Saturday, March 11, 2023

13 min

Meet George — a hard-working individual who is determined to achieve success in his personal and professional life. George is a dedicated worker who is always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done. However, despite his best efforts, he often finds himself overwhelmed by his workload, struggling to manage his time effectively, and making costly mistakes that hinder his progress.

In his quest for success, George has tried following the advice of countless productivity gurus and reading numerous books on the topic, only to find himself more confused and frustrated than ever before. But fear not, as George’s story is not unique — many of us can relate to his struggles.

Fortunately, years of research have distilled the essence of productivity into 8 golden rules that can help individuals like George achieve their goals with greater ease and efficiency.


Something, something, productivity. Read the summaries and keypoints, then take a screenshot of the condensed knowledge at the end of the article. Refer to it at all times, especially when in doubt. Improvement guaranteed!

Prioritize your most important tasks

Focus your energy on the tasks that will have the greatest impact on your goals.

Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash
Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

As George sat at his desk, he looked at his never-ending to-do list and felt overwhelmed. He had a million things to do, but no idea where to start. He felt himself getting more and more anxious by the minute, and his productivity levels were plummeting. This is where the first golden rule of productivity comes into play — prioritize your most important tasks.

When we prioritize our tasks, we focus our energy on the tasks that will have the greatest impact on our goals. This means that we are able to work more efficiently and effectively and achieve our goals with greater ease. By prioritizing our tasks, we also avoid wasting time and energy on tasks that are not essential to our success.

For George, prioritizing his most important tasks meant taking a step back and reassessing his to-do list. He realized that many of the tasks he was focusing on were not actually that important and that he was wasting a lot of time and energy on things that didn’t really matter. By identifying his most important tasks and prioritizing them, he was able to focus his energy and make meaningful progress toward his goals.

Prioritizing our most important tasks also means learning to say no to things that are not essential to our success. This can be a difficult skill to master, as many of us feel guilty or obligated to say yes to everything that comes our way. However, saying yes to everything can quickly lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Prioritizing our most important tasks means:

  • Identifying our most important tasks and focusing our energy on them
  • Saying no to things that are not essential to our success
  • Avoiding wasting time and energy on things that don’t matter
  • Making meaningful progress toward our goals
  • Time block your schedule

    Plan out your day in advance and schedule specific blocks of time for different types of work.

    Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash
    Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

    When we time-block our schedule, we plan out our day in advance and schedule specific blocks of time for different types of work. This means that we’re able to allocate our time more effectively and work more efficiently.

    Imagine that George is working on a big project. Without time blocking, he might spend an hour on research, then switch over to writing for 30 minutes, and then take a break to check his email. By the end of the day, he’s made some progress, but it feels like he’s been working all day without really accomplishing much.

    But with time blocking, George can plan out his day more strategically. He can allocate specific blocks of time for research, writing, and email checking, and ensure that he’s making meaningful progress on his project. By sticking to his schedule, he’ll be able to work more efficiently and make the most of his time.

    Of course, time blocking isn’t just for work — it can be applied to all areas of our lives. By scheduling specific blocks of time for exercise, leisure activities, and even household chores, we can ensure that we’re making time for the things that matter most to us.

    Time blocking your schedule means:

  • Planning out your day in advance
  • Scheduling specific blocks of time for different types of work
  • Allocating your time more effectively
  • Working more efficiently
  • Making meaningful progress on your goals
  • Minimize distractions

    Create an environment that minimizes interruptions and distractions to help you stay focused.

    Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash
    Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

    Distractions are everywhere, and they can easily take over our attention and prevent us from being productive. George knows this all too well — he’s constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and other interruptions throughout his workday, making it difficult for him to stay focused and get things done. But what if there was a way to minimize these distractions and create an environment that promotes productivity?

    The first step is to identify the sources of distraction in your work environment. For George, it might be his phone buzzing with notifications, colleagues stopping by his desk to chat, or even the noise level in his workspace. Once you’ve identified these distractions, you can take steps to minimize them.

    One effective strategy is to set boundaries. If you work in an open office environment, consider using noise-canceling headphones or even a “do not disturb” sign to let others know that you’re focusing on a task. You can also turn off notifications on your phone or set specific times to check your email.

    Another important factor is your physical environment. Make sure your workspace is clean and organized, and remove any unnecessary clutter or objects that could be a distraction. Consider adding plants or other calming elements to your workspace to create a more relaxing environment.

    But what about those distractions that are out of your control, like a noisy neighbor or construction outside? In these cases, consider using white noise or ambient music to drown out external distractions.

    By minimizing distractions, you can create an environment that promotes focus and productivity. With practice, George has learned to implement these strategies and is now able to get more done in less time.

    Summary of Key Points:

  • Identify the sources of distraction in your work environment
  • Set boundaries and turn off notifications to minimize interruptions
  • Keep your physical workspace clean and organized
  • Use white noise or ambient music to drown out external distractions
  • Distractions can be a major obstacle to productivity, but with a few simple strategies, you can create an environment that promotes focus and helps you achieve your goals.

    Take breaks and rest regularly

    Allow yourself time for rest and recovery to recharge your energy and prevent burnout.

    Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash
    Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

    Photo by

    In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves working non-stop, sacrificing rest and recovery for the sake of productivity. However, this approach can actually backfire, leading to burnout, decreased productivity, and negative health effects. That’s where the first rule of productivity comes in: taking breaks and resting regularly.

    George, like many of us, used to work long hours without taking any breaks. He thought that if he worked harder and longer, he would achieve more success. But soon he found himself exhausted, unable to focus, and even getting sick. It was then that he realized the importance of taking breaks and resting.

    Research shows that taking breaks can actually improve productivity, creativity, and focus. By allowing your brain to rest and recover, you can come back to your work with renewed energy and a fresh perspective. Not only that but taking breaks can also help prevent burnout and reduce stress.

    But what does taking breaks and rest mean? It doesn’t necessarily mean taking long vacations or taking entire days off (although those can be helpful too). It can be as simple as taking short breaks throughout the day, going for a walk, doing some stretches, or even just taking a few deep breaths.

    By making rest and recovery a regular part of your routine, you can boost your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. So, next time you feel overwhelmed and exhausted, take a break and rest. Your mind and body will thank you.

    To summarize, here are the key points:

  • Taking breaks and rest is essential for productivity and well-being.
  • Regular breaks can improve focus, and creativity, and prevent burnout.
  • Rest can come in many forms, from short breaks throughout the day to longer vacations.
  • Prioritizing rest can boost productivity in the long run.
  • Use tools and technology to your advantage

    Leverage technology and productivity tools to streamline your work and save time.

    Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash
    Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

    Consider George.

    George is a successful entrepreneur, but he often finds himself overwhelmed with work. He is constantly on the go, attending meetings, and working on multiple projects simultaneously. To make matters worse, he is often bogged down by menial tasks that take up a significant amount of his time.

    To combat this, George decides to use technology and productivity tools to streamline his work. He invests in a project management software that helps him keep track of all his projects in one place. He also uses an online scheduling tool to schedule his appointments, meetings, and calls, which helps him avoid double bookings and saves him time.

    Moreover, George uses email templates to save time when responding to similar emails. He also employs automation tools to handle routine tasks, such as sending follow-up emails, updating spreadsheets, and sending reminders.

    In contrast, when George did not use these tools, he would spend hours going through emails, manually updating spreadsheets, and scheduling appointments. He would often forget about important tasks, leading to missed deadlines and unhappy clients.

    By leveraging technology and productivity tools, George is now able to work smarter, not harder. He is more organized, and efficient, and can take on more projects without sacrificing quality.

    Key takeaways:

  • Utilizing technology and productivity tools can help you streamline your work and save time
  • Project management software can help you keep track of multiple projects in one place
  • Scheduling tools can help you avoid double bookings and save time
  • Email templates and automation tools can help you handle routine tasks and avoid wasting time on menial tasks.
  • Stay organized and manage your workflow

    Keep track of your tasks and deadlines, and develop a system for managing your workflow.

    Photo by Scott Evans on Unsplash
    Photo by Scott Evans on Unsplash

    Staying organized and managing your workflow is essential to being productive and achieving your goals. It can be challenging to keep track of everything you need to do, especially when you have multiple tasks and deadlines to manage. However, with the right tools and techniques, you can develop a system that works for you and helps you stay on top of your workload.

    Let’s take a look at George again. He’s been struggling to keep up with his tasks and has found himself missing important deadlines. He’s been trying to keep everything in his head and often forgets what he needs to do. This disorganization has been causing him stress and anxiety, and he knows he needs to find a better way to manage his workflow.

    The first step for George is to create a system for managing his tasks and deadlines. He can use a simple to-do list app or a more complex project management tool, depending on his needs. The key is to have a centralized place to store all of his tasks and deadlines so that he can easily reference them.

    Once George has a system in place, he can then prioritize his tasks based on their importance and urgency. He can set deadlines for himself and use reminders to ensure he stays on track. By staying organized, George can reduce his stress levels and improve his overall productivity.

    Another important aspect of staying organized is to keep your workspace clean and tidy. A cluttered workspace can be distracting and make it difficult to focus.

    Here are some tips to help you stay organized and manage your workflow:

  • Use a planner or task management tool to keep track of your tasks and deadlines. This will help you avoid forgetting important deadlines and ensure that you complete your tasks on time.
  • Break down larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you stay focused and make progress more.
  • Develop a system for prioritizing tasks. Identify which tasks are most important and allocate your time accordingly.
  • Set realistic deadlines for yourself. This will help you avoid procrastination and ensure that you complete your tasks on time.
  • Regularly review your progress and make adjustments to your workflow as needed. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are making progress toward your goals.
  • Continuously learn and improve

    Seek out new knowledge and skills, and continuously evaluate and refine your productivity strategies.

    Stupid people do not improve. ~ someone, probably

    Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
    Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

    In today’s fast-paced world, being productive is essential for achieving our goals and reaching success. By seeking out new knowledge and skills and refining our product strategies, we can stay ahead of competition; also improve personally.

    Let’s imagine George, a successful businessman who always strives to learn and improve. George believes that learning is a never-ending process, and he continuously seeks out new knowledge and skills to enhance his productivity. He attends seminars, reads books, and takes courses to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. This allows him to identify areas where he can improve and refine his productivity strategies.

    On the other hand, let’s consider someone like Michael, who is resistant to change and believes that his current methods are good enough. Michael is content with his current level of productivity and doesn’t see the value in continuously learning and improving. As a result, he becomes stagnant and falls behind his peers who are constantly evolving and improving.

    To boost productivity, it’s important to continuously evaluate and refine our productivity strategies. This involves identifying what works and what doesn’t, experimenting with new methods, and adjusting our approach accordingly. By doing so, we can optimize our workflow and achieve better results.

    Here are some key takeaways:

  • Seek out new knowledge and skills to enhance your productivity
  • Continuously evaluate and refine your productivity strategies
  • Experiment with new methods and adjust your approach accordingly
  • Don’t become complacent with your current level of productivity
  • Don’t follow productivity rules

    You heard me right. You know best what works for you and what doesn’t.

    Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash
    Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

    We live in a world where rules are the foundation of everything we do. We are told what to do when to do it, and how to do it. We are constantly bombarded with advice and tips on how to be more productive, efficient, and successful. But what if I told you that blindly following rules could actually hinder your progress? That’s right, sometimes it’s better to break the rules and forge your own path.

    Remember George, a hardworking individual who follows all the productivity rules to the letter? He blocks his schedule, minimizes distractions, takes breaks, uses tools and technology, and stays organized. He’s been doing this for years, but despite his efforts, he’s still struggling to reach his goals.

    Why is that? Because he’s so focused on following the rules he’s forgotten to listen to his own instincts and needs.

    The truth is, no two people are the same. What works for someone else may not work for you. We all have different personalities, learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. So, it’s important to tailor your productivity strategies to fit your unique situation. That’s why you should never trust rules to the bone.

    Instead of blindly following the latest productivity trend, take the time to evaluate what works for you and what doesn’t. Experiment with different techniques and tools, and don’t be afraid to break the rules if it means achieving your goals.


  • Don’t blindly follow productivity rules
  • Tailor your strategies to fit your unique situation
  • Experiment with different techniques and tools
  • Don’t be afraid to break the rules if it means achieving your goals.
  • Even more condensed

    If I had to guess, it’s the first paragraph you are reading in this article.

    Productivity is also about time-saving. You can save the time needed to read the article by going through the summary I present to you right now.

    Here are 8 potential “golden rules” of productivity that summarize years of research:

  • Prioritize your most important tasks: Focus your energy on the tasks that will have the greatest impact on your goals.
  • Time block your schedule: Plan out your day in advance and schedule specific blocks of time for different types of work.
  • Minimize distractions: Create an environment that minimizes interruptions and distractions to help you stay focused.
  • Take breaks and rest regularly: Allow yourself time for rest and recovery to recharge your energy and prevent burnout.
  • Use tools and technology to your advantage: Leverage technology and productivity tools to streamline your work and save time.
  • Stay organized and manage your workflow: Keep track of your tasks and deadlines, and develop a system for managing your workflow.
  • Continuously learn and improve: Seek out new knowledge and skills, and continuously evaluate and refine your productivity strategies.
  • Don’t follow productivity rules to the bone. Heve your own opinion,
  • In conclusion, years of research have led to the identification of 8 key rules that can effectively simplify and enhance productivity in our daily lives. By implementing these golden rules, we can focus our energy on the tasks that matter most, minimize distractions, and streamline our workflow.

    With practice and persistence, we can unlock the power of productivity and achieve our goals with greater efficiency and ease.

    If you get so far, please do me

    Apply these rules in your daily life and discover the transformative impact they can have on your productivity and success.